Friday, January 8, 2010

In the clearing stands a boxer...

Dear Elizabeth,

I'm so glad we got to talk earlier, and I am so thrilled you're enjoying your time in Europe, but I really can't wait to see you!

Anyway. He didn't call. He said he would, I'm getting used to this type of thing. He was so nice... and here's the part of the story where I regret nearly everything I said/ did last night... and then if he calls later I'll be all about him again.

Right. I'm excited for California though. I'm in the middle of Skyping with Jason. He's nice. I like that he's far away. He can't hurt me from all the way out there.

I think I'm done with Craig's List. Like done with meeting people on it. Nothing good could ever possibly come of it. It's totally and completely impossible.

I'm also done with RFA, I said that in my last entry, but I had to say it again... so that I remember. Nick is coming home soon, and I really haven't been happier about seeing anyone in a long long time! I mean other than the soon approaching trip to the Bay. =]

I think you're right about our instinct to desire companionship. I think that's totally plausible. I think I just take it one step further. I think I have an instinct to need to be desired. And I really think it's insane. I have this burning desire to have men want me.

On a lighter note. I don't know if you've ever watched it... but there's this show called Arrested Development, and I'd thoroughly recommend it to you. I'm sure you'd find it so funny! I know I do! The situations are just so fucking bizarre. The first two seasons are on Hulu for free.

Alright, well I'm talking to Nick and then going to bed because I'm so tired right now...!



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