Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Long Awaited, San Francisco Part Two

Dear Elizabeth,

So sorry this took so long, I've been so busy... I know that's a shitty excuse, but I can't believe how much work I have this semester. Maybe I shouldn't have involved myself in so many other things. But there's nothing I can really do about any of that now.

Okay, so back to California... I believe we were up to the Cash Cab scenario. Anyway, so cuddling lead to other things... Other things being sex. Not just sex though, Elizabeth, I have never made love the way I made love with Jason. He held me and kissed me and touched me in ways no man ever has before... (and since I've been home, and had sex with three other guys... the sex is awful.) I'm pretty positive that he's the real deal.

After it was over he just held me really close... and we laid there until we fell asleep. Then something really really weird happened. At around three in the morning these people came trying to get into our hotel room. I told you before it was a weird place.... So Jason answered the door because I was laying there scared out of my mind. Anyway, they were just drunk and thought they were at their own room...

We were awake... so why not make love again. Yes, again.... and it was even more amazing the second time. We just work so well together. Every moment was so synchronized and full of pure passion. I literally don't know how I was capable of such things, I never thought I could be. I really honestly believed that I could not make love... I thought sex was just about an orgasm. Turns out, it's not.... it's so much more than that.

After that we fell back to sleep... well he did... I just laid there in his arms... smiling with tears running down my cheeks. I have never loved someone as much as I loved Jason Barnes in that moment.

The next morning he left early to go hang out with his band mates so that they could practice for the show the next night. I was sad to see him go, but he did give me a nice hug and kiss goodbye, which I enjoyed!

So that day Devon and I explored all of San Francisco. We walked all over Chinatown and got excellent Chinese food... we went into a lot of weird little stores. And we got rode in TROLLEY CARS!! It was so much fun! I really wish I could find the cable that connects my camera to my laptop so I could freaking upload the photos we took. After Chinatown we took the cable car to the most crooked street in the world. Look it up... it's really cool. After taking like 99 photos at the top of the steepest street I've ever walked up, and also in front of the crooked street... we went back down to the pier.

It's literally the loveliest place I've ever been. I want to be there every night. We saw these amazing street performers from England doing all sorts of gymnastics, it was very very cool. Then we went to In and Out Burger (apparently it's really famous over on the west coast. Well, rightfully so, I hate fast food usually, but I loved their fries so much!

Okay.... time for class... part three coming soon. Quicker than part two came! I promise!



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